8th Annual Matt Graf Golf Outing
Pittsburgh North Golf Course
3800 Bakerstown Rd, Bakerstown, PA 15007
Friday, June 9th, 2023
Registration Opens at 9:30 – 11:00
Shotgun Start – 11:30
Cocktail Reception – 5:30 – 6:30pm
Dinner & Entertainment – 6:30 – 10:00pm
Skill Prizes | Raffle Baskets | Silent Auction | Entertainment
Besides a great round of golf, guests will enjoy a catered dinner, awards, silent auction items and a great time with friends.
This event will follow Allegheny County CDC Covid Guidelines.
Tickets On Sale Now!
Event Dinner: $55 per person
Tee Sponsorships: $100.00
Foursome Sponsor: $540.00
- Golf Foursome ($540 payment due prior to event registration).
- Additional dinners can be purchased at $55 per person.
- Please provide golfer names a week prior to event.
- (FMV of Sponsorship $356.00 foursome, $89.00 per golfer)
Presenting Sponsorship: $2,000
(2 Available)
- 1 Golf Foursome
- 2 Tee Sponsorships
- Reserved Table for each golfer and 4 additional participants (total 8).
- Company recognition during outing and welcome message.
- Company recognition during event dinner.
- Large Event Banner
- Name & Logo on Rules Sheet
- Additional dinners can be purchased at $55 per person.
- $2,000 payment due prior to event registration.
- Please provide golf names prior to event.
- (FMV of Sponsorship $556)
Community Business Sponsorship: $1,000.00
- 1 Golf Foursome
- 1 Tee Sponsorships
- Reserved Table for each golfer (total 4).
- Company recognition during outing and welcome message.
- Medium Event Banner
- Additional dinners can be purchased at $55 per person.
- $1,000 payment due prior to event registration.
- Please provide golf names prior to event.
- (FMV of Sponsorship $456)